Who would have thought the malt shop cone could cause such a twitter.
All of Taylorland is twittering about the sweet tweets from the cone—Easter greetings from the cone…wobbly tweets while the cone is moving…
Holy Smokes! What if the cone opens and he’s twittering!
This is Taylor Hicks taking connections to a new high…high above the “Grease” stage as he waits in the chocolate-covered cone through the opening scene of Act Two. This is time management to the max. Taylor connects with fans from the phone in the cone—actually the latest Blackberry hooked into the social phenomenon, twitter.com—for the few minutes he is caught in the cone waiting for Frenchy to dream her Teen Angel onto stage.
Since Taylor is a perpetual motion machine on stage, one can only imagine his chagrin at being stuck in the small confining confection. So, it may ease his stay in the sugary prison to reach out to the far corners of fandom and anywhere else that anyone is curious enough to investigate a tweet from a phone in a cone. It’s only flying fingers on the keyboard, but it is motion for the moment. After all, he can’t roam in the ice cream cone.
Will the phone ever make it out of the cone—a tweet from the trolley? From the golf course, would it be a tweetie bird or a birdie tweet? The cone phone could travel like the gnomes with tweets from Tuscaloosa and Talladega. He could tweet from stage as Frenchy swoons, “I’m all atwitter!” On the concert stage—next to the water—a quick tweet, “Flown the cone and lovin’ to roam!”
Taylor Hicks tweeting from the cone just hammers home what he has said before. “The best is yet to come.” We ain’t seen nothing yet from the man who tweets from a cone and is prone to surprising us all!
Along with the phone, there’s a genius in the cone!
I’m off to twitter…or is it tweet? Or…off to tweet on twitter?
I think I’ll just have some ice cream…while I try to figure out all this tweeting and twittering…
If you understand any of this, you can follow the phone in the cone at taylorrhicks@twitter.com
~~The cone is still in San Fran this weekend...read the latest from the cone.
If you want to see what happens to this twitterer…or tweeter, I’m at san_tthc@twitter.com
Photo "Taylor at Roxy's" by san. Please do not repost without permission.
It is unknown how Taylor tweets from the cone as he is alone . He has shown that the bone he throws from the cone sets just the right tone for his fans.
While he hones his tweeting skills , we bemoan each day we don't get zoned in from the cone.
Thanks for an amusing blog .
Hard to follow that comment, cath! Very good.
Nicely written blog post (as usual)! Yeah, twittering in the cone is good use of his time, though if a person doesn't know what that is, that could sound very wrong.
With all the recent buzz, I am pretty sure that the whole world knows what twitter and tweet are!
Thanks for your comments. I love the cone phone idea--simple and quick. And it nudged some of the technologically challenged into the current twittering world! A good thing...I think.
Took me awhile to get the hang of Twitter, but it is fun, and getting his cone tweets are the best!!! :)
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